Dry screw vacuum pump production sales
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The basis and detailed description of the technical renovation plan
时间:2020-12-30 10:47     作者:智德真空     点击:
If you want to solve the problem of vacuum pump cavitation, decrease the cost of the water temperature is larger, lower vacuum degree is also let condensing through pressure rise it is not possible, this will seriously affect the loading capacity of the unit, the ideal way is in the original water temperature under the condition of invariable, the vacuum system can solve the generation of cavitation, currently the best choice is to add air ejector vacuum pump, the extraction of vacuum pump performance will be better, so the condenser vacuum still can ensure that the current level or higher, but the internal vacuum pump body only in 12 kpa (the system vacuum in the range of 3 to 8 kpa), which can effectively avoid the generation of cavitation.